Head of the Giant Ministry is committed to helping unhoused veterans, women with children and able bodied men who can be retrained and put back into the workforce. We believe that through the power of God the giants that come into people's lives can be defeated. Then the head of that giant can be held up as a trophy to cause the enemy to flee and to be a testimony to others that God is the champion of each and every individual who calls upon Him in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Since January of 2011, Head of the Giant Ministry has helped over thousands of unhoused men, women and children transition out of homelessness. Many of those men were veterans and several of the men that we have helped were elderly homeless with no family to turn to for help. Over half of the men that we have helped have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, and have been connected to a local church. Several of our past guests have become financial supporters of the ministry that gave them the help that they needed at just the right time. In March of 2012, Head of the Giant Ministry could no longer ignore the increasing demand for shelter for women in the Augusta area. The need for safe shelter for women with children far outweighs the available shelter in the CSRA. Since opening our shelter for women with children and for single women our ministry has helped over 350 families. There is no one type of woman that is homeless. |
We have seen families that are fleeing domestic abuse, families that have been affected by the recession and a loss of jobs, and recovering addicts. With each individual situation we see the hurting people that need help. We have seen God work miracles in the lives our guests, and we are amazed at the wondrous works He has done.
Since 2020, Head of the Giant has worked to prevent evictions by disbursing available funds to help families, and to serve as advocates for families to work through arraignments with landlords. This is a costly, but needed service. We also help with utility assistance, food and much more. Your financial support goes directly to make a difference in the lives of the people that are helped at Head of the Giant Ministry. We need more monthly pledge partners to help us reach the homeless, and at risk of homelessness of the CSRA. Please click on the donate button and become a monthly pledge partner by setting up a secure reoccurring donation. Our goal is to add 500 pledge partners of $30 a month this year. Check back for updates as we chronicle our journey to meet this goal. |